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Sales Regulations

Established on 23-02-2016 by businessman Bombay Bazaar Ashish Hinduja defines rules
Related to shopping at an online store available at
For greater transparency, the Sales Regulations were divided into 3 functional sections:
I. General terms and conditions of sale
Terms of Sale in force at the Store, and in particular ordering information and
Contract performance, information on available forms of payment and delivery, and how to make a complaint and
Resignation from the purchase by canceling the contract.
II. Terms and conditions of providing services by electronic means
Store Policies, and in particular information on the terms of use of the virtual
A basket and a form for placing orders and specifying the technical conditions
It should meet the web browser and the user's computer.
III. Privacy policy and Cookies
User privacy information, and in particular what information is written to
User equipment and anonymous statistics collected for better understanding
User needs and store optimization.
The Shop Service provides exhaustive information in Polish language about the features of the goods available in
Store and issues related to the Sales Regulations. Service is available by phone under
Number 516500898 from 09-18 business days, as well as by mail
Electronic address to, which the service responds to within 24 hours.
The seller applies the Code of Good Practice in eCommerce eCommerce
Fair Play, whose content is available at, therefore, if any provision of these Terms and Conditions
Sales are contrary to this Code or shape laws and obligations
Consumers in a manner contrary to good morals and grossly violates his
Interest, then this provision is non-binding.

Seller: entrepreneur working under the business of Bombay Bazaar Ashish Hinduja and employed
Regon number: 146440450 and NIP number: 5342275180, entered in the Central Register and
Information on Economic Activities of the Republic of Poland run by the Minister of Economy;
Seller's seat: ul. Poprzeczna 52s / 1, 05-506 Lesznowola;
Mailing Address of Seller: ul. Poprzeczna 52s / 1, 05-506 Lesznowola;
Ordering Party: the person placing the Order at the Store and the Seller's Sales Page if it
Conclusion with the Seller;
Our store participates in eCommerce Fair Play 1.
Shop: Internet service available at, via
Which the Seller provides the services specified in the Terms and Conditions of Electronic Services in
The purpose of the conclusion of the Sale Agreement;
Order: approval of the order form available in the Shop, in which interactive
The button or link for approval is marked with the words "order with payment obligation" or another
Equivalent unambiguous wording;
Consumer: The contracting authority, being a consumer within the meaning of the relevant provisions;
Sales contract: sales contract concluded at a distance between the Seller and the Purchaser in
The range of items indicated in the Order and under the conditions set forth in these General Terms and Conditions

1. The information provided in the Store, including in particular prices, is an offer
2. In order to make a purchase of items presented in the Store, you must submit an Order.
3. In addition to indicating the type and number of items and the choice of form of payment and delivery, the Order must
Include the following data:
A) names and surnames
B) e-mail address
C) shipping address
4. The data entered into the Order by the Ordering Party must be up-to-date and truthful.
The terms of protection of personal data provided by the Employer are set out in Chapter 7.
Personal data protection.
5. Seller does not provide mechanisms for verifying the correctness of the data
Introduced by the Ordering Party, apart from mechanisms to check their completeness.
The Ordering Party may at any time correct its errors when entering data to
6. The seller receives information on Orders placed through the Store on working days
Between 09-18.
7. The conclusion of the Contract of Sale occurs when the Order is placed by the Purchaser.
Confirmation of acceptance of the Order for execution is sent by the Seller using
E-mail to the address of the Ordering Party given by him in the Order.
8. Upon the conclusion of the Sale Agreement, the Seller agrees to transfer to the Employer
Ownership of the item and issue it to him, while the ordering party undertakes to collect and pay these items
Sellers the price of the order.
9. Contractual sales contract is the total price of the Order presented to the Purchaser after
By choosing the method of payment and delivery before placing an Order, pay as you like
See Chapter 3 Payment Terms.
10. The Seller carries out the Orders only on the territory of Poland. Information on available methods and
Our store participates in eCommerce Fair Play 2.
Delivery times and their costs are presented by the Order as stated in
Chapter 4. Delivery Terms.
11. The subject of the Sale Agreement are new items that the Seller is obliged to deliver without
defects. Complaints may be submitted in the manner and within the time limits specified in Chapter 5.
12. The consumer may resign from his purchases and withdraw from the Sales Contract without giving
Reasons in the manner and within the time limit set forth in Chapter 6. Termination. In case of
Withdrawing from the contract is considered unacceptable and if the consumer makes a declaration of
Withdrawal from the contract before the Seller has accepted his offer, the offer ceases to be binding.

1. For the performance of the Sales Agreement, the Purchaser is obliged to pay the aggregate Seller
The price of the order, which consists of the gross prices of ordered items and the cost of their delivery
Valid in the Store at the time of placing the Order.
2. The gross prices are expressed in Polish zlotys and include all applicable taxes, including tax
3. The Seller shall make available in the Store the following payment methods:
A) at the personal collection of the seller
B) bank transfer
C) fast e-bank transfer
D) payment card
E) others (eg PayPal, Google Wallet)
4. The ordering party is informed before submitting the Order what forms of payment are available from
Due to the nature and value of ordered things.
5. Payment of the price The order takes place in the form selected before the Order is placed.
6. The date of payment results from the form of payment selected by the Purchaser. Beyond payment
The receipt, the payment occurs after the conclusion of the Sale Agreement, and before the delivery and delivery of the item.
1. For the performance of the Sales Contract, the Seller is obliged to deliver the goods
The subject of the contract to the address indicated in the Order, while the Ordering Party is obliged
Take these things away.
2. The seller is obliged to deliver the item immediately after the conclusion of the Sale Agreement however
Not later than within 2 days, unless the parties to the Sales Contract have made another individual
Agreement in this regard.
3. Delivery deadline, ready for shipment, or other deadlines presented at the Order Shop
Items are approximate terms and do not bind the Seller.
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4. The Seller carries out the Order in the order they are submitted.
5. The Seller shall make available in the Store the following forms of delivery:
A) delivery to the address of the recipient
B) personal pickup from the seller
6. The ordering party is informed before submitting the Order what forms of delivery are available from
Due to the nature and value of ordered items and their costs.
7. The ordering party has the right to check the status of the consignment after delivery to the place indicated in
Order and before receiving it from the carrier.

1. The seller is liable to the Ordering Party if the item sold has a physical defect
Or legal (warranty).
2. If the defect is found, the Ordering Party may use the warranty and file a complaint or
Take advantage of the guarantee under the guarantee agreement.
3. Complaints should be made in writing to the Seller's Mailing Address and should
Include at least the name of the Orderer, including his name, mailing address, address
E-mail, telephone number, and in the case of legal persons, name, address and data
Contact the person authorized to handle matters related to the complaint and description
Defect that is the basis of the complaint.
4. The Seller will deal with the complaint without delay, however not later than within 14 days of its receipt
The receipt and the outcome of the complaint will notify the complainant in writing or in writing
By e-mail to the e-mail address given in the complaint.
5. The ordering party, who exercises warranty rights, is obliged at the expense of the Seller
Provide a defective item to Seller's Mailing Address.
1. The consumer may, within 14 days, withdraw from the contract without giving a reason and without incurring
2. The consumer may withdraw from the contract by giving the Seller a statement of withdrawal.
The statement may be submitted on a form that is provided by the Seller, however this is not the case
mandatory. To keep the deadline, simply send a statement to the Mailing Address
Sellers before it expires.
3. The period of withdrawal shall begin with taking possession of the property by
A consumer or a third party designated by him other than the carrier, and in the case of a contract,
Which includes many things that are delivered separately, in parts or in parts - from embracing in
Possession of the last item, lot or part.
4. The seller is obliged to immediately, not later than within 14 days from the date of receipt
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Consumer's declaration of withdrawal, return to the consumer all made by
It's payment, including the cost of delivering the item.

5. Seller reimburses the payment using the same method of payment as he used
Consumer unless the consumer expressly agrees to another way of repayment that is not binding for
Him with no cost.
6. If the Seller has not offered to take the item himself from the Consumer, he may refrain from
Reimbursement of payments received from the Consumer until the item is returned or
Provided by the consumer proof of her return, depending on which event occurs
7. If the consumer has chosen the way to deliver things other than the cheapest ordinary way of delivery
Offered by the Seller, the Seller is not obliged to return to the Consumer
The additional costs incurred by him.
8. The consumer is obliged to return the item to the Seller or transfer it to a person authorized by
The seller to receive immediately, however, no later than 14 days from the date on which he departed
Sales contract unless the Seller has offered to receive the item himself. To behave
It is enough to return the item before it expires.
9. The consumer bears only the direct cost of returning the item. Where for your sake
The nature of these things can not normally be sent by post, then borne by
The consumer's cost of return is equal to the cost of delivering this item to the consumer.
10. The consumer is responsible for reducing the value of the item resulting from the use
To go beyond the necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of things.
11. The right of withdrawal is not available to the Consumer in relation to contracts:
A) where the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which
The trader does not exercise control and may occur before the expiry date
B) the subject of the offer is an unconverted item, manufactured according to
Consumer specifications or serving to meet its individual needs;
(C) where the subject matter of the provision is a matter which is rapidly deteriorating or has a short duration
Shelf life;
(D) the subject of the benefit is the item delivered in a sealed package which,
Once opened, the packaging can not be returned for health reasons or reasons
Hygienic if the package has been opened after delivery;
(E) the subject-matter of the supply is that which, after its delivery, by its nature,
They are inseparably linked to other things;
F) the subject of the offer is alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at
Conclusion of a sale contract and delivery of which can take place only after 30 days and which
Value depends on market fluctuations over which the trader has no control;
G) in which the Consumer expressly requested the trader to come to him for the purpose of doing so
Urgent repair or maintenance; If the trader provides additionally other services than those which
Performance The consumer demanded, or supplies, other than spare parts necessary to perform
Repair or maintenance, the right of withdrawal is due to the Consumer in respect of
Additional services or items;
H) the subject of which is audio or visual recordings or programs
Computer supplied in a sealed package if the package was opened after
I) to provide dailies, periodicals or periodicals, except for subscriptions;
J) entered into by public auction;
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K) to provide digital content that is not recorded on a material medium, if fulfilling
The benefits began with the consumer's explicit consent before the expiry date
Contract and after informing the trader of the loss of the right of withdrawal.

1. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the ordering
The steps leading to the conclusion of the Sales Agreement and its implementation are
2. The processing of personal data is governed by the provisions of the Data Protection Act
personal information.
3. The provision of personal data by the Purchaser is voluntary but necessary to
Submission and execution of the Sales Contract and their processing are as follows:
A) in order to conclude and execute the Sales Agreement,
B) for the direct marketing of the Seller's products and services.
4. The legal basis for the processing of personal data in the case referred to in point 3 lit. A) it is
Statutory authorization to process the data necessary to establish, shape the content,
Change or dissolution of the legal relationship between the Purchaser and the Seller as well as with
Due to the nature of the Contract of Sale, and in the case referred to in point 3 lit. B) it is
A statutory authorization to process personal data when it is necessary to complete
Legally justified goals implemented by the data controller.
5. Personal data collected by the Seller may be made available:
(A) the relevant State authorities upon their request under the applicable law,
B) other persons and entities in cases provided for by law.
6. The scope of data processed includes in particular the following personal data:
A) names and surnames
B) phone number
C) e-mail address
D) address of residence or stay
E) shipping address
F) date of birth
7. The ordering party may voluntarily share his / her email address for use by
Seller for Seller's marketing efforts, primarily consisting of
Submitting commercial information about Seller's products and services.
8. The vendor shall provide appropriate technical and organizational means to ensure safety
Personal data provided by the Ordering Party, in particular to prevent access
To third parties or their processing in violation of the law, preventing them from losing
Data, damage or destruction.
9. The ordering party has the right:
A) access to their personal data provided to the Seller, the right to make
Additions, corrections and updates of data content through communication with the Seller;
B) requesting temporary or permanent suspension of personal data processing or deletion, o
How many would be incomplete, obsolete, inaccurate, or collected in violation of the rules
Rights - for this purpose you must send a letter, registered letter, to Seller's Mailing Address;
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C) objecting to the processing of their personal data and the right to demand their removal when they become available
They are unnecessary for the purpose for which they were collected - for this purpose you should send a letter, letter
Registered, at Seller's Mailing Address.

1. Within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the Contract of Sale, but at the latest at the time of delivery,
The Seller shall provide the consumer with a confirmation of the conclusion of the contract on a durable medium which he /
This particular carrier may be an electronic message sent to an email address
The consumer stated by him in the Order.
2. Confirmation of conclusion of the Sale Agreement referred to above contains at least information
(A) the main characteristics of the benefit;
B) data identifying the Seller, in particular the company, the authority that registered the activity
Economic as well as the number under which it was registered;
C) address of the Seller, e-mail address and telephone numbers under which the Consumer
Can quickly and effectively contact the Seller;
D) the address at which the Consumer may file a complaint;
E) the total price of the Order together with taxes and transport charges;
F) the manner and date of payment;
G) the manner and date of performance by the Seller and used by the Seller
Complaint handling procedure;
H) the manner and date of exercising the right of withdrawal without giving a reason, and the pattern
Withdrawal form;
I) costs of return in the event of withdrawal from the contract, which is borne by the Consumer if z
Due to their nature, these things can not normally be sent by post;
J) cases of lack of right of withdrawal on the basis of regulations and circumstances in which
The consumer loses the right of withdrawal;
K) the obligation of the trader to deliver things without defects;
(L) the existence and content of guarantees and after-sales services and the manner in which they are implemented;
M) a code of good practice to which the Seller voluntarily made a commitment; and
How to get acquainted with it;
(N) the functionality of digital content and the technical means of their protection;
O) relevant interoperability of digital content with computer hardware and
Programming that the entrepreneur knows or needs to know;
(P) the possibility of using out-of-court complaint and investigation procedures
Claims and rules of access to these procedures.
3. Seller applies the Code of Good Practice in eCommerce Fair Play e-commerce, which
The content is available at
4. In the event of a dispute with the Seller, the consumer shall have the opportunity to use extrajudicial means
Dealing with claims and claims. Consumer can include:
A) apply to the permanent consumer court arbitration operating at the Trade Inspection with
An application for settlement of a dispute arising from the concluded Sales Agreement,
B) apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection for initiation
Mediation proceedings on the amicable settlement of the dispute with the Seller,
C) receive free assistance in resolving the dispute using free help
District or municipal Consumer Ombudsman or social organization to which tasks
The statutes include consumer protection such as the Consumer Federation or the Association
Polish consumers,
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D) file your complaint through the EU ODR web platform, available under
5. Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Purchaser not simultaneously
Consumers are subject to the court of competent jurisdiction for the location of the Seller.
6. The sales contract is concluded in accordance with Polish law and in the Polish language.

§ 1
General provisions
1. Based on art. 8 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2002, No
144, pos. 1204 with later. Zm.) The Bombay Bazaar Ashish Hinduja service provider hereby determines the terms of service
By electronic means available within the Store (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations"), which specifies in particular:
(A) types and scope of services provided electronically;
(B) the terms and conditions of the provision of services by electronic means;
(C) the terms and conditions for the conclusion and termination of service contracts by electronic means;
(D) the mode of complaint procedure for the provision of services by electronic means;
E) the protection of personal data;
F) protection of intellectual property rights;
G) the liability of the parties.
§ 2
1. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
A) The service provider - entrepreneur operating under Bombay Bazaar Ashish Hinduja and using the Regon number:
146440450 and the NIP number: 5342275180, entered in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity of the Republic of Poland
Run by the Minister of Economy, with its registered office at ul. Poprzeczna 52s / 1, 05-506 Lesznowola and correspondence address
ul. Poprzeczna 52s / 1, 05-506 Lesznowola;
B) the Client - any person who uses the service or in any other manner that is legally used by the Service
Made available by the Service Provider;
C) Service - a web site system available at which is a collection
Static and dynamic documents containing image files, scripts, and other linked items
Mutual relations;
D) Services - services provided electronically ie without simultaneous presence of parties (by distance), by means of communication
Data on the individual request of the Client, sent and received by means of electronic devices
Processing, including digital compression, and storage of data that is completely transmitted, received or received
Transmitted via a telecommunications network within the meaning of the Law of 16 July 2004 on Telecommunication Law;

§ 3
Types and scope of services provided electronically
1. The Service Provider provides services within the Service to achieve the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, and in
Specifically these are the following Services:
A) information services,
B) communication services,
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C) sales organization services.
2. The information services shall consist in making available, at the individual request of the Recipient, the information contained within
Service by displaying a page with a specific URL.
3. Communication services consist in enabling the Communication Service user to communicate with the relevant department on a case-by-case basis
Or the contact person of the Service Provider.
4. Sales organization services consist in enabling the customer to place orders and make a purchase at a distance
Sales contract. In particular, within this service the Service Provider provides a virtual shopping cart mechanism and
Order form with button clearly marked "payment order" as well as registration service in
§ 4
Terms of service by electronic means
1. Technical requirements for use of the site:
A) connection to the Internet,
(B) Having electronic means of communication capable of displaying hypertext documents in
The HTML 5 and CSS 3 standards, associated with the Internet over a networked HTTP service with Java Script enabled and
Cookies support and a monitor resolution of at least 1024x768.
2. It is forbidden to provide unlawful content to the Service, and to take actions that may
Cause interference or damage to the site.
3. The recipient may use the services anonymously or with a nickname, unless the property of the service
Requires specific personal data.
4. The services referred to in § 3 of these Regulations are provided free of charge.
§ 5
Terms and Conditions for Concluding and Resolving Electronic Service Agreements
1. The conclusion of the electronic service contract referred to in these Rules of Procedure shall be by
The Customer is required to use the service. Use of the Service by the Service is carried out on
The rules set out in this Regulation.
2. The recipient may at any time terminate the use of the selected service. In case of leaving the Service
Service, service contract by electronic means, non-continuous service and in particular o
Referred to in § 3 sec. 1 lit. A) and b) are automatically resolved without the need for additional statements
pages. In other cases, it is enough to declare the will to terminate the contract. Legal end results
The use of the service is governed by mandatory laws that are applicable by law
Provided service and facts.

§ 6
Complaint procedure for providing services by electronic means
1. The recipient of the service shall have the right to make a complaint about the service.
2. Complaints should be submitted in writing, by registered mail to the Service Provider's mailing address.
A properly submitted complaint should contain at least the following information:
A) the Customer's designation (including his name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, and
Legal persons name, registered office address and contact details of the person authorized to handle matters related to
Filed a complaint);
B) a detailed description of the problem underlying the complaint.
4. The service provider will handle complaints within 14 days of receiving them.
5. About the result of the complaint, the Service Provider will immediately notify the complainant in writing or in writing
By e-mail to the e-mail address given in the application.
Our store participates in eCommerce Fair Play 9.
§ 7
Personal data protection
1. The Service User's Personal Data Administrator is the Service Provider.
2. Processing of personal data is governed by the provisions of the Act on the protection of personal data,
Provision of services by electronic means and provisions of the Regulations.
3. The provision of personal data is voluntary but necessary to provide electronic communications in the United States
The scope of organization of service sales and processing are as follows:
A) to provide the service,
B) for the direct marketing of products and services of the Service Provider.
4. The legal basis for the processing of personal data in the case referred to in para. 3 lit. A), is statutory
Authorization to process the data necessary to establish, shape, change or terminate the relationship
Legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Recipient as well as the nature of the services provided by the service provider
The services or the method of their settlement, and in the case referred to in par. 3 lit. B) statutory authorization to process
Personal data in case it is necessary to fulfill the legally justified objectives pursued
By the data controller.
5. Personal data collected by the Service Provider may also be made available:
(A) the relevant State authorities upon their request under the applicable law,
B) other persons and entities in cases provided for by law.
6. The scope of data processed includes in particular the following personal data of the Client:
A) names and surnames
B) phone number
C) e-mail address
D) address of residence or stay
E) shipping address
F) date of birth

7. The recipient may voluntarily share his / her email address also for use by the Service Provider on
The need for marketing activities of the Service Provider, consisting primarily of sending information to the Service Receivers
Commercial products and services of the Service Provider.
8. The Service Provider shall provide appropriate technical and organizational means to ensure the security of personal data
Made available by the Service Users, in particular to prevent third parties from accessing or processing them
In violation of the law, preventing data loss, damage or destruction.
9. The recipients are entitled to:
(A) access to your personal data provided for the purpose of using the services provided by
Service Provider, the right to supplement, correct and update the content of data through communication with the Service Provider;
B) request to temporarily or permanently suspend the processing or removal of personal data, as long as they prove themselves
Incomplete, obsolete, inaccurate, or collected in violation of the law, to this end you should send a letter,
By registered letter to the Service Provider's correspondence address;
C) object to the processing of their personal data and the right to demand their removal when they become redundant
To accomplish the purpose for which they were collected - for this purpose you must send a letter, by registered mail, to the mailing address
Service provider.
10. Upon termination of use of Continuing Services by the Service Provider, the Service Provider will not process the data
Personal mentioned in paragraph 6, except for those data that are: Allowed for processing on the basis of
The law or contract necessary to clarify the circumstances of the unauthorized use of the service. The service provider
In this case, it will remove all signs identifying the Client and ending the telecommunications network and
IT system used by the Client (anonymisation of data) unless the Client consents to
Non-deletion of these signs.
§ 8
Protection of intellectual property rights
1. The Service Provider declares that, in connection with the provision of services,
Intellectual, especially copyrighted works and materials bearing the trademarks.
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2. The recipient is obliged to obey the intellectual property law. In particular, any copying,
Making changes and publicly reproducing the shared content without the written consent of the Service Provider is forbidden,
Unless otherwise stated in separate agreements or mandatory laws.

§ 9
Final Provisions
1. In matters not regulated in the Regulations relevant provisions of Polish law, including the Act, shall apply accordingly
The Civil Code and the law declaring services electronically.
2. These Terms and Conditions are provided free of charge through the website of the site, which provides the Service Providers with the opportunity
Get acquainted with its contents before entering into a service contract. The regulations are available in the form
It allows you to download, fix, save and print.
1. Definitions:
A) Administrator - entrepreneur operating under Bombay Bazaar Ashish Hinduja and using the Regon number:
146440450 and the NIP number: 5342275180, entered in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity of the Republic of Poland
Run by the Minister of Economy, with its registered office at ul. Poprzeczna 52s / 1, 05-506 Lesznowola and correspondence address
ul. Poprzeczna 52s / 1, 05-506 Lesznowola, which provides services electronically and stores and accesses
Information on User devices through the Service,
B) Service - web site maintained by the Administrator at,
C) User - end user or subscriber within the meaning of the Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunication Law (Dz.
U. of 2004, No. 171, item. 1800 with amendments)
2. In carrying out the duties imposed by the Law of 16 July 2004, the Telecommunications Law below shall indicate how
Storing information or accessing information already stored on the terminal
User. By the information contained in this document, the User is informed of:
A) the purpose of storing and accessing this information,
(B) the possibility of determining the conditions for storing or accessing this information by means of
Software settings installed in the telecommunication terminal used by it or
Service configuration.
3. The Administrator's Service uses cookies. By "Cookies" should be understood as information portions
Written in the form of text, sent by the server on which the Service is located and stored in the device memory
End user.
4. Information collected from Cookies is used by the Administrator to provide the service
Provided by electronic means, as well as for statistical and marketing purposes. This information does not contain data
Personal or confidential information.

5. The user may at any time review and delete Cookies files stored on his terminal device in a manner
Indicated by the manufacturer of his web browser.
6. The user may at any time disable support for receiving Cookies in the manner indicated by the manufacturer
Your web browser, however, this may prevent you from providing services electronically by the Administrator.
7. The administrator informs that it holds HTTP requests directed to the server serving the Service for analysis and
Optimize the work of this server and the Service. Visited resources are identified by URL and information
Stored in server log files are as follows:
- the public IP address of the computer from which the query came in may be directly to the user's computer,
- client station name - http protocol identification, if possible,
- time of arrival,
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- http request code,
- http response code,
- the URL of the page previously visited by the user (so-called referer link) - if the page is visited
The service was followed by a link,
- user browser information,
- error information that occurred during the execution of the HTTP transaction
8. Data stored in server log files are anonymous and are not associated with specific visitors.
Copyright Notice for Terms of Sale
The copyright owner of the copy of these Terms and Conditions is Safe Buy Sp. With o.o. Sp.k., which
She gave the shop ( participating in the eCommerce Fair Play non-exclusive and
An inalienable right to use this Terms of Sale for purposes of its own commercial activity in
Copying and distributing the template of these Terms and Conditions without the consent of Safe Buy Sp. With o.o. Sp.k. is
It prohibited.
Online sellers can learn more about eCommerce Fair Play and how to use it for free
The template of the Sales Regulations at http: // ...
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Place, date
Consumer Name:
Consumer Address:
Addressee: Bombay Bazaar Ashish Hinduja
ul. Transverse 52s / 1
05-506 Lesznowola
Phone: 516500898
(This form must be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
I, the undersigned, hereby notify my withdrawal from the sale of the following:
The date of conclusion of the contract:
Date of receipt:
Consumer Signature
(Only if the form is sent in paper form)
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