Boro Plus Antiseptic Cream 40g
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Boro Plus Antiseptic Cream
Antiseptic cream
Capacity: 40ml
It is essential for skin problems. It works as a medicine for chapped lips, dry skin, cracking heels, burns, minor burns, minor injuries. Recommended for skin rashes, acne, insect bites, liches, herpes, boils.
The cream soothes any skin irritation, moisturizes it and smoothes it out.
How to use: Massage a small amount of cream gently massage into the affected area. Repeat two to three times a day.
Composition: Extracts of - Kapoor Kachari, Chandan, Ghritkumari 1,5% each; Nimba 1.0%; Tulasi 0,4%; Haridra 0.3%; Hriber 0,5%; Khadir, Kumud 0.15% each; Bhavprakash, Jasad Bhasma (Zinc Oxide) 2.5%; Tankan Amla (Boric Acid) 0.8%; Dugdha Pashana (Talc) 7.0%; Rastarangini, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ointment vehicle q.s